Category: Islamic Estate Planning

Who are the Islamic heirs?

Father; Paternal Grandfather; Paternal Great-Grandfather; Paternal Grandmother; Paternal Great-Grandmother; Son; Son’s Son; Son’s Son’s Son; Full Brother; Paternal Brother; Maternal Brother; Full Nephew; Full Nephew’s Son; Paternal Full Uncle; Paternal Full Uncle’s Son; Paternal Full Uncle’s Son’s Son; Paternal...
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Definitions of Islamic Heirs

Wife or husband. Only a legal marriage results in entitlement to inheritance. Generally, an Islamic marriage contracted abroad is valid in the United States as long as it complied with the law of the country where the marriage was...
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What does the Qur’an say about wills?

In the Qu’ran, Allah directed Muslims to make a will: It has been ordained upon you, when death is near one of you, leaving wealth behind, to make a will in favor of parents and close relatives, impartially. This...
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What you need to know about Wills in...

  Wasiyat in Quran  Islamic wills, also known as wasiyat, are referred to in the holy Quran.   “It has been ordained upon you, when death is near one of you, leaving wealth behind, to make a will in...
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What happens if you die without a will...

While intestate distribution in equitable distribution states may vary slightly, here are a few examples of estate distribution if you die intestate in an equitable-distribution state: New Jersey If you die with: Here’s what happens: children but no spouse children...
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What happens if you die without a will...

While intestate distribution in community-property states may vary slightly, here are a few examples of estate distribution if you die intestate in a community-property state: Arizona If you die with: Here’s what happens: children but no spouse children inherit everything...
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What does “estate” mean?

When you die, the interests you have in all your property—real and movable—become your estate, unless it is governed by “right of survivorship,” which American law recognizes. For example, you and your spouse may own your home with a right...
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What is the difference between a will and...

Wills and trusts are estate-planning tools. A major difference between a will and a trust is effective date. A will goes into effect only after you die. A trust goes into effect the moment you create it. Another difference is...
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What is a revocable trust?

A revocable trust is a legal document that you create in order to transfer title ownership of your assets to the trust. In the trust, you must appoint a trustee (yourself or a third party) to manage the assets in...
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