Category: Islamic Estate Planning

My wife and I own a home together....

Strictly speaking, yes. Some would consider this a transfer during lifetime, so it would not violate Sharī‘a. Others would argue that because the transfer is effective upon death, it would be an invalid lifetime transfer according to the Sharī‘a. However,...
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I hear my dad say that he follows...

Maḏāhib (maḏhab singular) are Sharīʿa doctrinal schools. In the 7th century, Muslim juristic knowledge started as study circles (halaqas) in which a pious Muslim scholar - surrounded by people - would debate religious issues and teach interested students. Without an ecclesiastical hierarchy, there was no institutional...
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Can my spouse and I make a joint...

A joint will, also called a “mirror will,” “mutual will,” or “reciprocal will,” is a will that may be executed by a married couple to ensure that their property is disposed of identically at time of death.  In a standard...
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Does a non-Muslim relative inherit from a Muslim?

Not exactly. It’s a bit more complicated than a yes or no. According to Sharī‘a inheritance rules, a relative inherits automatically as part of the fixed default-distribution system. Under Sharī‘a, non-Muslim relatives, like your spouse or a child, are...
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If my wife passes away and I receive...

Strictly speaking, yes. The surviving spouse's share is required to pass to his or her Islamic heirs according to Islamic law. Islamic law does not permit a right of survivorship ownership. Owning a property together with the right of...
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I have two adopted children. Will they be...

According to Sharī‘a inheritance rules, a relative inherits automatically as part of the fixed default-distribution system. Under Sharī‘a, only biological children from a valid marriage are Islamic heirs entitled to inherit from the paternal line. Adopted children and stepchildren...
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What happens to my family if I don’t...

When a person dies without a will, he is said to have “died intestate.” In these circumstances, the American intestacy laws, or default inheritance laws, govern the distribution of your estate. These laws vary from state to state. Generally,...
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Does the Sharī‘a permit autopsies?

Autopsies are not encouraged in the Islamic tradition; autopsies delay burials, cause harm to the body, and remove body parts. However, there are exceptions in the Sharī‘a concerning autopsies. The Islamic principle of maslaha (public benefit) states that when...
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Does the Sharī‘a permit organ donation?

Yes, organ donation is permitted and encouraged by Muslim scholars. In fact, organ donation is legal in the majority of Muslim countries, including Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Iran, to name a few. In March 2019, the Fiqh Council of...
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