Requirements for a Valid Will


Shariawiz allows Muslims to create their own state-specific, legally valid Islamic will. 


First, What is a Will?

An Islamic Will, or a Sharia-compliant will, is a legal document that enables a Muslim to clearly state to whom he or she will leave his or her assets, which are inclusive of property, money and possessions.  This property is distributed to your Islamic heirs as per the Islamic law of inheritance. 

It is also worth pointing out that Islamic wills can include distributions to charities (charitable bequests).


Why You Should Have a Will

An Islamic Will benefits you and your family in so many ways:

  1. An Islamic will enables you to distribute your assets Islamically.
  2. Through an Islamic will you can leave specific gifts.
  3. You can specify your Islamic burial arrangements to reduce stress for your family in the future.
  4. With Islamic wills, you can leave a sadaqah jariyyah (charitable gift).
  5. You will be able to take care of your Ḥuqūq Allāh, including zakat and hajj through your Islamic will.


The Requirements You Need to Meet

The Shariawiz Islamic Will is legally valid in your specific state when you have signed and witnessed it according to the requirements of your state.  When you print your completed Shariawiz Islamic Will, there will be instructions on how to properly execute your documents according to your state.  All states require you to be of sound mind and acting of your own free will without undue pressure or coercion from others when you sign. 

Shariawiz is an online service that provides legal forms and information about Islamic inheritance. Shariawiz is not a law firm and does not provide legal advice. Use of this website is subject to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.